ECOTEAM offers a global solution for wastewater containing oily emulsions :
Concentration by evaporation
Treatment by Ultra-filtration
Special wastewater
ECOTEAM provides many years of experience that allows you to find the best solution to your needs, ensuring simplicity, quality improvement and cost reduction:
2020-Oct: Scraped type heat pump evaporator model ECOCR1500 destination France
2022 News N°4
2022-March: Evaporator with mechanical vapor recompression, the new model gives excellent results in terms of electricity consumption
2021 News N°4
New order for 3,000 l/d heat pump scraped evaporator
2022 News N°3
2022-March: Ecoteam approves the 2021 financial statements, a result in line with previous years
2022 News N°2
2022-March: New contract for a zero discharge purification plant in the aeronautical sector
2022 News N°1
2022-March: New Order from international customer (4th plant with Ecoteam)
Export 3
2015-October: Delivered evaporator ECOCV30000 for Russian federation
Export 2
2015-October: Delivered supply for UEA
Italy N°2
2015-October: Successfully started Automotive wastewater plant
2021 News N°5
New order for 2 vacuum evaporators with mechanical vapor recompression
Ecoteam share capital at 1.000.000 Euro i.v.
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